Monday 17 November 2014

Thanksgiving Day

The Thanksgiving Day is a traditional celebration of the United States and Canada. In the United States it is held every year on the fourth Thursday of November and in Canada on the second Monday in October.

The origin of this celebration was to celebrate with a feast the good harvest obtained and over time it has become a regular tradition.

Most people in United States celebrate this event with family gatherings in their homes where they prepare a feast. The traditional main course for dinner is a great roared or baked turkey. This turkey is usually accompanied with a stuffing made from cornbread and sage and it is traditionally served with jelly or cranberry sauce.

That same day, a parade takes place on the streets of Manhattan organized by Macy's store chain that attracts millions of people to the Broadway street to see the huge giant gallons and the performances of the guest artists.

Most businesses and offices are closed on this day. However, some stores, shopping centers, restaurants and bars stay open.

The following Friday to this event is the traditional opening of the christmas' shopping season. This day is known as Black Friday which stores and shops offer bargain prices and many people go from early morning.

If you want to see all our posts about Thanksgiving, click here.


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