Monday 29 September 2014

Ayurveda diet

Maybe, you have heard from this kind of diet as it is chosen by most of the celebrities however I didn´t know it and I found it quite interesting.

The ayurveda diet combines the power of food to our bodies to prevent nutritional imbalances.

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicinal practice that encompasses a range of treatments including herbs, diet, meditation, massage and yoga to maintain or get healthy. This practice is based on the belief that health is the result of harmony between mind, body and spirit, that is, on the theory that "we are what we eat".

According to Ayurveda, within each person there are the 5 basic elements of the universe: earth, air, fire, water and space. The combination of these elements creates 3 types of energy or doshas which are called: vata, pitta and kapha. Each person has something of these 3 types and usually one of them is dominant:

  • Khapa: Stable person of strong character with a tendency to gain weight;
  • Pitta: Strong-willed perfectionist with a big appetite;
  • Vata: Person of light, thin, sensitive, sociable and creative appearance.
Once the Ayurveda professional classifies the patient, he helps you recognize the imbalance and guide you through patterns of supply and use of some herbs and massage synchronized to recover the lost balance.

Ayurveda specialist prepares food plan based on the patient Dosha. In patients Khapa prepares them a plan based on legumes and vegetables; in the case of Pitta soft drinks, sweets and increasing amounts predominate; and finally, in people with Vata energy, encouraged the uso of hot foods and teas.


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