Tuesday 17 June 2014


The drink that we recommend you for the night of Saint John is "queimada". This is a Galician drink, of unknown origin although it is attributed a Celtic origin. 

It is a warm beverage, which is drunk after pronouncing a spell that protects against spells and move away evil spirits, witches and other evil beings. 

It is prepared in a clay pot, where it is added a 1 liter of "orujo" (a galician hard liquor), 120 grams of sugar, lemon (peel and pieces) and a few coffee beans. After, the mixture is stirred. 

Then, put on a separate ladle a bit of "orujo" and set it fire, then, slowly, pour the liquid into the clay pot to burn the mixture and stir it until the flame acquires a reddish color and the fire is putting out. It's at this time (still burning) when you must recite the spell. Later serve it.

Following, the spell in English and Galician:


Owls, barn owls, toads and witches.
Demons, goblins and devils,
spirits of the misty vales.
Crows, salamanders and witches,
charms of the folk healer(ess).

Rotten pierced canes,
home of worms and vermin.

Wisps of the Holy Company,
evil eye, black witchcraft,
scent of the dead, thunder and lightning.

Howl of the dog, omen of death,
maws of the satyr and foot of the rabbit.

Sinful tongue of the bad woman
married to an old man.

Satan and Beelzebub's Inferno,
fire of the burning corpses,
mutilated bodies of the indecent ones,
farts of the asses of doom,
bellow of the enraged sea.

Useless belly of the unmarried woman,
speech of the cats in heat,
dirty turf of the wicked born goat.

With this bellows I will pump
the flames of this fire
which looks like that from Hell,
and witches will flee,
straddling their brooms,
going to bathe in the beach
of the thick sands.

Hear! Hear the roars
of those that cannot
stop burning in the firewater,
becoming so purified.

And when this beverage
goes down our throats,
we will get free of the evil
of our soul and of any charm.

Forces of air, earth, sea and fire,
to you I make this call:
if it's true that you have more power
than people,
here and now, make the spirits
of the friends who are outside,
take part with us in this Queimada.


Mouchos, coruxas, sapos e bruxas;
demos, trasnos e diaños;
espíritos das neboadas veigas,
corvos, pintegas e meigas;
rabo ergueito de gato negro
e todos os feitizos das menciñeiras...
Podres cañotas furadas,
fogar de vermes e alimañas,
lume da Santa Compaña,
mal de ollo, negros meigallos;
cheiro dos mortos, tronos e raios;
fuciño de sátiro e pé de coello;
ladrar de raposo, rabiño de martuxa,
oubeo de can, pregoeiro da morte...
Pecadora lingua de mala muller
casada cun home vello;
Averno de Satán e Belcebú,
lume de cadáveres ardentes,
lumes fatuos da noite de San Silvestre,
corpos mutilados dos indecentes,
e peidos dos infernais cus...
Bruar da mar embravecida,
agoiro de naufraxios,
barriga machorra de muller ceibe,
miañar de gatos que andan á xaneira,
guedella porca de cabra mal parida
e cornos retortos de castrón...
Con este cazo
levantarei as chamas deste lume
que se asemella ao do inferno
e as meigas ficarán purificadas
de tódalas súas maldades.
Algunhas fuxirán
a cabalo das súas escobas
para iren se asulagar
no mar de Fisterra.
Ouvide! Escoitade estos ruxidos...!
Son as bruxas que están a purificarse
nestas chamas espiritosas...
E cando este gorentoso brebaxe
baixe polas nosas gorxas,
tamen todos nós quedaremos libres
dos males da nosa alma
e de todo embruxamento.
Forzas do ar, terra, mar e lume!
a vós fago esta chamada:
se é verdade que tendes máis poder
ca humana xente,
limpade de maldades a nosa terra
e facede que aquí e agora
os espiritos dos amigos ausentes
compartan con nós esta queimada.

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