Tuesday 7 October 2014

Earring with feathers

When Christopher Columbus arrived to América the first time he thought it was India that is why natives were called "indian".

Our proposal of decoration to celebrate the "Columbus Day" are earrings with feathers made by yourselves.

The materials you need are:
  • feathers (chose the color you prefer);
  • small pins (to attach the feather to the pendant brooch);
  • pendant brooches;
  • pliers.
The steps to follow are:
  1. Cut the feather's tail end considering the length you want;
  2. Once it is cut, take the pin (which is open in the back) and enter the feather's tail end in it and close it with the pliers;
  3. Once you have checked that the feather does not fall, pass the pendant brooch through the hole that the pin that holds the feather has. Make sure that they are securely tightened together and now they are ready to be used.


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